Your invitation from me Rick to pre register
for the pre launch of GVOconference is about to expire..
In fact we are going public with the product on November
2nd, in less than a week.
Get on the early bird list now!
It is free to lock in your position in this amazing opportunity
so you will want to check it out now :D
Just visit:
>>>> http://gvo-rickray.webinarriches.com/invite/
On that page all your need to do is submit your
name and email address..
then you will be asked for a username and password
and then you have LOCKED yourself in on the early
bird list for this MASSIVE launch!!
Listen.. this is why this is going to be so AMAZING...
I have really hooked you up here!!
I just got off the phone with my good friend
Joel Therien and boy have I hooked you up!!
If you do not have time to read this email take two
seconds and get in on the VERY top of this MLM
with me!
>>>> http://gvo-rickray.webinarriches.com/invite/
You see..
Joel has made MILLIONS in the online MLM
industry over the past few years!
Now here is how I've hooked you up!!
He is launching something brand new and he has given
me permission to contact you directly to get on
the EARLY BIRD list..
(he was originally saving the top of this matrix with close
colleagues, but because we are such close friends I convinced
him to allow me to contact you now)
As you know, timing is everything in Network Marketing!
Get on TOP of this MLM with me..
Right now.. you can get on the Early bird list right now free
>>>> http://gvo-rickray.webinarriches.com/invite/
Now for those of you who have time to read..
In 2004 Joel Launched an AMAZING VoIP conference
solution called Hotconference.
In just 3 months the product has over 7 million.. YES
seven million end users and downloads..
It grew so fast, that he grew himself and his datacenter
in Canada literally almost out of business..
It was launched in January 2004
By April 2004 it had 7 million end users!
By May it had grown so big that the company that provided
fibre optics to his datacenter told him there was no fibre
left in the city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW
Fast forward to 2010..
Joel relocated his family and staff from Ottawa, Canada to
San Antonio, Texas.. (where fibre optics and bandwidth is
Just so that he could re launch this amazing product and
He spent millions setting up a brand new datacenter in San
Antonio texas, and now 7 years later.. he is re launching
a TOTALLY amazing opportunity and product..
Ok stop reading and get on the early bird list with me now!
>>>> http://gvo-rickray.webinarriches.com/invite/
Ok for those who want more information :D
Remember.. history always repeats itself, Joel fully
expects to have well over 10 million users in the first
I know that sound unrealistic, but if they had 7 million
before.. no reason they wont again! Especially because
I have seen the new version of their product and trust me
NOTHING on the market compares to it!!
I have truly recognized that this is a great opportunity and
I WILL be promoting the #$@% out of it.
I am sure you recognize it too.. take two seconds and
get on the early bird list RIGHT NOW :D
>>>> http://gvo-rickray.webinarriches.com/invite/
P.S. Joel will be taking down the early bird registration
very soon, so be sure just to take 2 seconds and register
>>>> http://gvo-rickray.webinarriches.com/invite/